Fiona woke up hungry. Surprise! Breakfast at the Junkyard!
Fiona: Ugh, this table grosses me out.
Have to agree with you there.
And also: why would the Sim Creators put two different counters with two different colors-right next to each other?!
Then, instead of sending her out to the library to make money, I decided to find her a man. But all of the people she met were either elders or teens! So I gave in and created a guy in the Sim Creator and dropped him in a house. Here he is:
Fiona: I'm tiired!
I don't care! Start flirting!
He responded well!
Before we knew it...
Fiona: You know, it really kills the mood with you over my shoulder like that.
Duh! Why do you think I do it?
But she got really tired and had to head home. (But not before they'd become boyfriend and girlfriend!)
But I didn't waste any time inviting him over when she woke up!
Fiona: Want to come over?
Do it...
Fiona: Lay off, Doodledog!
He came in running. (Do you think I scared him?)
I wasted no time.
He rejected.
I'm actually not surprised at this one.
Fiona: Well, thanks a lot!
I didn't-oh, never mind.
After a few more interactions, I tried again.
This time, he accepted!
Yaay! Now you can get married and I can buy you a double bed and you'll have more money!!!!!
Fiona: Is that all you care about?
(Also, another one of my friends started a Sims3 blog! So PLEASEPLEASEPLEASE go over there and comment and follow, to prove her wrong and me right. Because that's how it should always be. Click here to go to her website! But I would recommend it to readers over 11 or 12 years old...)
Aw, why is Fiona chubby?
Because she doesn't have a treadmil. She varies between chubby and then really skinny! Because I keep making her loose weight, but every time she eats she gets chubby again! >:(
Bummer. Does she really get chubby THAT fast?
YES!!! It's soooo annoying. I've made her loose weight at least four times!
In the first proposal shot, Fiona has the weirdest face.
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