Friday, April 29, 2011

How does everyone know about the creepy smile?!

This post is going to be SLIGHTLY different. I got the idea from Del over at the Genegacy. I'm going to be narrating and the sims will be "talking".

Aleena came, whipped out her (dunno where the heck she got it?) computer.

Aleena: Oh, I got the computer at....well, actually, I'm not sure. I have this huge memory gap between when I died and a little while ago....the computer comes with being dead, I guess. It can be pretty boring.

Okay then. Anyway, she stuck around and then went out to the garden to disappear at 7 (which is a lot later than usual, actually).

Aleena: Ooh, that apple looks loverly. Maybe I'll pick it-woops, sunlight! Gotta zoom up into the beyond!
   Um, yeah, the sun comes up at 6. Little late there?
    Aleena: Well, to my defense, I was playing on the computer. You of all people should understand that.
   Fair enough.

But then she came BACK!!!

She sat down to eat, but never got the chance. Left at 8, and left for good. Well, until the next night.
    Aleena: Bummer, the cereal looked good.

At this point, I realized that Charlie had a level 6 in gardening skill. I sent him out to garden. He had just been badly singed by attempting to fix the TV.

    Charlie: Did you really have to include that picture? It's embarrassing.
   Well, that's what you get for trying to fix the TV. That's Atalanta's job.
    Charlie: Why is it always her that does everything?
   Um...I'm your creator, don't judge me.

Speaking of Atalanta, someone pointed out to me that I haven't had a picture of her face in many many posts! Here she is, in all of her gorgeousness:

Hunter and Alexandria are keeping the relationship alive.

     Hunter: Really, Doodledog? Can't anyone get any privacy around here?
   Moving on.

Alexandria detached herself from Hunter and went over to talk to Atalanta about- *GASP!* THE CREEPY SMILE RETURNS!!!

     Alexandria: So I heard that Briana dreampt about a creepy smile before she became an elder. Do you think it's true?
     Alexandria: Hey, this is a private conversation!
   You seriously think I care?

Then CHARLIE came to join the conversation!

     Charlie: My wife had a dream about a creepy smile? What do you think that means?
   Dunno. Maybe she has perfect teeth.
     Charlie: You ever seen her mouth?
   Um, no!
     Charlie: Exactly. It's me who has the perfect teeth in our relationship.
   Oh. Well maybe she's attracted to perfect teeth. Let's not forget, you were still deleted then! Maybe she missed you.
     Charlie: Oh. Well okay then.

Alexandria finally left to watch TV.

     Alexandria: Let me alone, I'm watching football!

So how did you like the sims talking? Do you think I should do it more often (or always)? Or do you like my old way of doing things, just narrating? Please comment and let me know!

Monday, April 25, 2011


Just after I got over my shock, Briana became an elder.

(She retired, because of a wish)

I siezed the chance to change Charlie's hair, which has been driving me NUTS.

The next day was Atalanta's birthday, so I had Brian get up and cook breakfast for the last time.

Alexandria and Hunter are crazy for each other. She seriously stands in front of their wedding photo, staring at him. ALL. NIGHT. LONG.

Briana, now retired, spends her time painting. She painted a chipmunk.

Finally, at 9 o'clock at night, Atalanta had her birthday. This means she is now a young adult and can fufill her role as second child to the fullest. So I kicked Brian out.

Now Atalanta has the house duties all to herself!!!

Sunday, April 24, 2011

The Wedding

Sorry, guys, but this is a bit of a short post. I'll try to make it up to you later!

I made Brian get up early on the day of the wedding so that he could cook food for the guests.

I only invited a few people, so I'm pretty sure people crashed. Everyone was there. Except for the bride.

(Briana was in a wedding dress. Not sure why.)

Alexandria finally arrived, and the guests all gathered 'round while they tied the knot.

Then, in the "decide who stays and who goes" menu, Charlie's name showed up! This did not surprise me, as he is still shown on the Sims 3 menu, but then...

OhMyWord, Charlie's back! And in Elder form! (And still with the hair?!)

Friday, April 22, 2011

I take it back!

Since he had the day off, I had Hunter work on his Lifetime Wish: Master the Martial Arts and Athletic skills.

Brian, meanwhile, upgraded the sink to be "self-cleaning"

"Girl" came home with a friend from school named Angel.

Her brother has moved on from foam boards and now breaks wooden ones!

Brian had a wish to "go out on the town", so I sent him to do laundry.

He mopped up the puddle there while he waited for the laundry to dry.

The next morning, I had him get up early to cook breakfast.

Hunter invited Alexandria over again. This time, she stayed for a hug.

Then she left again. Grrrr.

When I tallied up the votes-Atalanta and Alice were tied. So-I asked people I knew in real life. The choice has been made-meet Atalanta!

She's more or less taken over the second child duties.

The only thing she hasn't been taking care of is the garden.

Hunter invited Alexandria over again. This time, I was determined.

She said yes!!!

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Love Troubles

When Aleena came to visit, Brian just sat there and stared at her for a long time.

He wouldn't let up, so I sent him out to garden, even though it was about three in the morning.

Hunter had work, but it didn't start for another few hours, so I sent him out to the park to meet (*ahem*) people. Potential wives. Maybe. But the only person there was his boss, Alexandria Arsenault.

But she WAS single, and they got along quite well!

He did have to leave for work eventually, but not before they hadn't become boyfriend and girlfriend.

Briana spends her free time at the easel now.

I will often times find "Girl" at the stick thingy after she's completed her homework. I'm just worried she's gonna hurt herself.

I made her stop and do the dishes.

And then she cooked some food, because she needs to get that skill up!

Hunter advanced another Marital Arts skill level and got a new belt:

(He looks awkward in that shot.)

George visited us again. He stared as his daughter as she ate.

The next morning, I had Hunter invite Alexandria over.

But then she left before he even got to say hello!

Ugh, sometimes I think this game is against sim love.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011


Hunter had his birthday! He grew into a (balding?!) old-looking young adult (?)

Um, yeah, had to change that one.

Muuuuch better!

The first thing he did as a young adult was join the Proffesional Sports career. But then my game spazzed out, and I had to redo everything. But it's all good now.

"Girl" (still haven't got enough votes to swing her to either which name, it's either Atalanta or Alice) got an opportunity saying that, if she caught a fish, her grades would improve. Off you go!

Brian burnt Macaroni and Cheese.

He just left it there, instead of cleaning it up, and went to clean the stove instead.

Then he complained about the smell.


Then I let him catch a nap, cuz I'm nice like that.

Oh, you're up? Good! Fix the shower.

Briana finally reached Level 10 of the Guitar skill. She celebrated with this extremely creepy smile:

Aleena came to visit again. She floated around and thought about...monkeys?

I dunno. Ghosts are weird.