Tuesday, April 19, 2011


Brian is still using his free time to care for his garden.

Meanwhile, Hunter keeps working at his martial arts skills. He's advanced a few levels and earned a few new outfits.

Every time he advances, he does this weird move. It's funny, because it makes him seem so professional, while he still hasn't improved at all at that stick thingy in the backround.

Brian, meanwhile, only just has time to catch a nap before going on with daily buisness.

More socialness! Hunter and "Girl" talk while doing homework.

SPEAKING of "Girl", I have narrowed it down to two names I like: "Atalanta" and "Alice". Please comment and tell me which of them you think I should do!

Aleena paid us a visit. She took out a computer that she did not own when she was living and started chatting with friends.

Here's a random picture of gameplay: Briana walks to the fridge, Brian washes his hands, and Hunter works out.

The family is becoming more social. I found Brian and Hunter in the middle of a conversation!

Then Brian left to cook food so he could sleep in. Which I didn't let him do anyway, he had gardening to do!

And a computer to fix!

George came to visit for the first time. He went to play on the computer.

It was then time for "Girl" (remember to comment!) to become a teen. She's so pretty!

After her, it was time for Brian to age up into a "Mature Adult".

(I love this picture. His facial expression is so afraid and surprised, and his hands accent it.)

Hunter had a wish to "meditate", which I didn't know how to do. But I figured it out!

(I love how his green belt uniform comes with glasses)

He's getting good at breaking foam boards!

Also, I was surprised when Briana managed to sleep through the night again!

She dreamt about a creepy smile.

Remember to comment and vote for the name for "Girl!" The choices are "Atalanta" and "Alice". Which do you think fits her better?


Rachel said...

I like Atalanta better!

Doodledog said...

Yeah, Atalanta IS really pretty.

singer14 said...

>:( I don't like either! *scowls* I like Anita, Antoinette, Anastasia, and- AND THIS ISN'T BECAUSE ITS MY NAME- Alexandra.

Okay, fine. If you HAVE to name her one, don't name her Atlanta!!!!! Its a fine and dandy name, but it doesn't fit her!!!!

Teehee.... I'm so bossy *smiles adorably*

Doodledog said...

It's not Atlanta, it's AtAlanta. And it does to fit her! A pretty name for a pretty girl.

Doodledog said...

Have you ever read "Jason and the Golden Fleece"? (Used to be known as the "Argonauticas", I believe?)

book_addict247 said...

Atlanta FTW!!
That means For The Win. It's a book.

Isabell said...

I think both are very pretty. I still like my Alice better, but I think Atalanta is very cool to, but it is a mouthfull for me since I'm probably gonna spell it wrong so many times.

Doodledog said...

Oh haha! Okay, so that's
Atalanta: 2
Alice: Um, 2, I think, because I"m not sure about Alexandra's vote. "FINE, if you HAVE to name her one..."

So we're tied right now! Next person breaks the tie!

singer14 said...

I vote again. Alice. :)

oreogirl said...

I vote for Atalanta ;D

Mira said...

You're blog is so awesome!
I love it!
I spent like such a loong time reading all the posts, and now I wanna show I exists!

Name girl Alice! It suits her :))