Monday, April 18, 2011


The first thing "Girl" (to be named) did when she came inside was work out. In front of the TV. Without me telling her to. She's not Athletic, I promise.

But then Briana and Brian got in her way by chatting in front of the TV.
I'm actually surprised at this, as this family is EXTREMELY anti-social. I always have to MAKE them talk to each other, because most times the only communication is through helping each other with homework.

"Uh...two plus two, just put five!"

Most times, the family is either on the computer or watching TV.

Then they go to bed. But then this weird thing started happening with Briana. She'd get into bed...

...and then she would be teleported out of the bed.

She did this about a dozen times before I stepped in and said, "IT'S NOT WORKING!!!" I directed her to her son's bed. They're best friends, so they can sleep in the same bed.

She slept through the night. I thought, maybe it was the bed? No. I replaced the bed, no luck. I tried ResetSim, no luck. I tried having her sleep in her son's bed while he slept in her bed, no luck. I gave up and dragged her "sleep" bar to full.

They all usually wake up early, so I have them get a head start on daily buisness. Hunter works on his martial arts skill...

Brian cooks breakfast for everyone (he's doing better now)...

And, if she has the day off, Briana heads to the park to "play for tips". She gets quite an audience there!
She actually made over $800 dollars there once!

"Girl" usually watches TV, as the only reason she is there is to fill the "second child" role, and she has no skills.

Speaking of TVs, here is the PERFECT way to show you how social this family is. Here is as close as it gets to "conversation":

How cute, they're all watching TV all together!

(Also, one of my friends started a Sims blog! Please go there and check it out, it's pretty cool! Click HERE to go there, or copy and paste the link below into your browser! Thanks!

1 comment:

Isabell said...

Even though girl is a child, shouldn't you make her learn some skills? Like cooking on the oven or handiness with the blocks or something? Or at least send her out to buy some cooking/gardening/handiness books?
I mean, she's there to be helpfull, right? (Yes I know its kinda mean but still she thinks its kinda fun too! :))