Briana got invited over to a friend's house after school. The first thing she did was break out the guitar on their porch.
Then she went inside and did her homework.
What a glare off of the table.
Then she went home and-tadaa! Took out the guitar again!
(her dad was fixing the computer in the backround)
The next day, Brian skipped school again. He is officially failing school. Bad boy! You will never succeed at this rate! His wish was to "stay out after curfew". FINE, YOU NAUGHTY BOY. To the park with you.
He did, of course, get picked up by the Twinbook police and brought home.
(that's actually not a picture of Brian being picked up by the police-it's of Aleena. I guess she was doing something for her job and the police noticed.)
Anyway, a kid named Charlie came home with Briana.
Somehow, seeing Maria's hairdo on a guy weirds me out.
After Charlie left, Briana and Aleena sat down to do Briana's homework.
Then it was off to bed. And something happened, something I somehow overlooked was due to happen that day.
Briana hopped out of bed and aged into a young adult! How did I not know it was her birthday? I need to pay more attention.
It has now become time to decide to do for heirs. I have two people eligible for the job. I have thought long and hard on this and have finally come up with the decision: the firstborn will always be the heir, HOWEVER, the secondborn will still be kept in the house. If there are third and fourth and so on children, they will be kicked out when they become young adults. The secondborn will be kept around to do the cleaning during the day and help the heir's children with homework and such while the heir is at work. I have put a lot of thought into this, but I would really like your imput. Comment and tell me what you think!
Well, the first thing Briana did was sign up for the Music career. The she took out her guitar and started playing right outside of the theatre.
Meanwhile, back at home, I realized that it had been a long time since Aleena and George spoke to each other.
How cute!
I think thats a good plan!
It's a good idea, but I'm not sure Brian's gonna do homework with Briana's children if he hates his own homework/school/home/life/everything so much...
I just realised! Brian and Briana is the same name, except that Briana has one more a!!!!
Yep, I think that's how I figured it.
"Stalker", I considered this. All I can hope for is that Brian matures with age. Except, he does surprise me sometimes by sitting down (off of his own accord!) and doing his homework. And he does go to school! Occasionally!
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